Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Salam sejahtera,
Di sini saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman daripada seorang kenalan saya selepas berbisnes Premium Beautiful bersama-sama TLC.
Beliau merupakan seorang pengidap kanser pada tahap 2A tapi terdapat tumor semasa didignosis. Tapi oncologist beliau mengatakan kemungkinan kanser tersebut akan kambali ke otak adalah dalam masa 2 tahun. Tetapi Alhamdulillah, kita baca pengalaman beliau dan saya harap akan jadi pendorong semangat buat pengidap kanser seluruh dunia. In Shaa Allah.
“...... coming from the other side, I want to share how it feels because when you are fighting between life and death you want to hear benda-benda yang “sahih” - genuine, authentic, sound. Proven things and not be hoodwinked by crack remedies. Sebab dalam market ada macam-macam claim tentang rawatan cancer e.g reverse osmosis, tukang urut cance, rawatan ghaib etc etc etc... semua ini akan datang bila you sakit, so who to believe?

And she continued... “to be honest, I know my health has been enhanced throught premium beautiful. I started wearing the premium beautiful 1.5 years after I had surgery, chemo, radiotheraphy. Syukur Alhamdulillah... paling ketara, duing a follow up mammogram the radiologist commented that my breast skin and scar nampak bersih/cantik tak macam dulu. The scar used to be hard and the skin hitam and dry due to 35 radiotheraphy sessions. Skin tu dulu macam terbakar.. selepas pakai PB ia bertukar, probably because the FIR concentrated at the lace stitching yg ada di long bra cup area.


….also because cancer cells thrive in and love cold bodies, I believe wearing the Premium Beautiful helps as it helps to regulate our body temperature through the FIR (Far Infra Red). So keeping your body temperature up is vital in fighting/preventing cancer and a fact that many DO NOT KNOW.

She also adds …..” cancel cells also gro in oxygen free environments, sebab tu exercise is important. So even when I run or go to the gym I wear my Premium Bautiful sebab the FIR enhances blood circulation thus increasing oxygen levels. Cancer cells dont like this!! Insya Allah.

So kalau ada sesiapa yang tak nak pakai premim beautiful sebab dia takut panas ke tak selesa ke, inilah yg banyak membantu healing process or prevention, and amongs other things such as that Kak Su share with us:-

  1. Lifestyle changes – food, juicing, exercise, rest
  2. Mindset changes - prayers, faith and positive thinking
  3. Regular checkups & listening to your body – check all warts n bumps you may find
  4. alternative treatments – eg. Accupuncture, breast massage, heat treatment.

Subhanallah, semua perancangan Allah. Kita usaha dan doa sebanyak mungkin. I have complete faith in Allah's mercy.

….her last advise ...Apa yg kakak share kalau kita nak sihat, deep faith, positive and try everything that feel helps you, such as premium beautiful, bio velocity sleep mate, garam buloh drink, semua ni kaiak gunakan dan Insya Allah yakin sihat :) 
0145002339 | www.paidihasan.com

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